There are 22 students in my 6th grade class.
I miss a lot of these kids, since they're not in my regular classes anymore.
Therefore, Coming to my Language Center becomes a novelty, a privilege.
But, oh, boy are they a rowdy bunch! I hope this momentum keeps up as the year goes on. 6th graders are notorious pissy-missies & misters.
But I really like these kids. and I know they enjoy coming to class.
So I hope to keep up this enthusiasm.
5/21/09 class review:
I used this class to practice for my upcoming open class, since the group is rather large, and they've already been through all the 5th grade curriculum. Plus, a little review can always be helpful.
So we practiced the games/activities we'll go through this Wednesday for Open Class.
I am so excited! What a Show-off I am...
We played ZIP...ZAP...Sorry? to warm-up
Then we had a quick review session of vocabulary and directions,
Then we did Where's my Chair? Blindfolded
See game descriptions here.